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Final Thoughts

Now that schools out, finals over, and our project complete it's interesting to look back and see all that we have done. In less than a year a group of three undergraduates, a graduate student, and two University of Arizona faculty members were able to not only imagine but create an Android phone application. I walked into this project not knowing how it was going to turn out, but I have to say that I'm impressed by what we created! I hope that even if I'm no longer working on the project this application continues to evolve into something that the world can use.

Semester 2, Week 9

User testing has ended and I now have some great feedback about our app!

Semester 2, Week 7

It has been a while since I've updated this blog!

The Nutrition Team was on a bit of a hiatus as our Computer Science counter parts finished up to App so we could finally get some user feedback! I have to say I'm really pleased with what we have so far it looks amazing and runs how we imagined.

Semester 2, Week 2

For the next couple of weeks our goal is to take our android research phones out to 10 people and interview them using our questions. I figured because my sister's birthday is this upcoming weekend and I'll be spending it with a lot of my family in Phoenix, it's a good of a time as any to interview 10 people!

I guess I'll see what other assignments are in store at our next meeting on the 22nd.

Semester 2, Week 1

And we're back! It's been a nice break from school and projects but it will be nice to get back into the swing of things. After interviewing friends and family we were able to finalize our questions. Luckily we created some pretty strong questions that didn't need much editing and each of us (Madison and myself) were able to get answers that we hoped the questions would provide.

Week 14

The semester is finally over! After finalizing and editing our focus groups questions the goal for the break to begin asking friends and family members and see the answers we get. These answers can help us determine a lot: Are we asking the right questions? Are our questions confusing in any way? Are there any questions we should add? Any questions that should be combined? Any questions that need to be separated? My goal is to question as many people as I can and to get a wide range in age, sex, and gender. I'm excited to see how it goes! I've never interviewed anyone before.

Week 12 & 13

As our first semester begins to come to a close our tasks each week have continued strong. This past week was dedicated to the main objective of coming up with questions for our future focus groups. However, before any questions could be formed we read up on how these questions are formed - proper phrasing, ordering, and simplicity. After thinking up a handful of questions, discussing their significance, and making any edits we decided that questions should be grouped into two segments those asked before viewing our application and those asked afterwards.

Week 11

This past week consisted of two goals. The first was continuing our quest of Android applications that we would like to use as a model and inspiration to our own. The second was to figure out how we want to test our application, I focused a little more on questions about content validation and improving it.

Week 9

After our last full group meeting and looking at the prototype that Jorge has been working on we decided to make a few changes to hopefully make our application even better and more functional. The first change is more for visual modification: moving our Woah, Slow, Go icons from the right of the menu item to the left. We also decided to make these icons clickable with a pop-up window of healthy suggestions to make a Woah or Slow food into a Go food.

Week 7

This week the Nutrition Team will be taking it a bit easier. We have three tasks ahead of us: figure out our criteria to give to the Computer Science Team for what will constitute as Woah, Slow, and Go, give tips to make healthier choices and changes to the 15 fast food chains we decided on, and find kid friendly apps that we like as inspiration for our own.


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